Visuals with informative impact


January 2022 – Present

Job Context

Project Manager and Web Lead




Stress Resistance – Reliable

What is Art-Partner…

Art Partner’s goal is to introduce as many companies as possible to the power of creativity and the other, more people-oriented mindset. Because that is where their added value lies. Since 2008.

For leaders seeking different perspectives for organizational and/or societal challenges. Thus includes anyone who believes imagination, creativity and the artist way can be used as a catalyst for change.

And I have been helping them to realize some of these online workshops or with visual utterances.

Social Media Web Lead

As my job title states, I am Web Lead for Art Partner as a freelancer. This means that some tasks, like social media, will be managed by me.

In this picture you can see some templates that have been used all over the social media accounts of Into The Light (one of their businesses).

I am proud of this work, for 3 reasons:

  • Recognizable colours and design elements
  • Thoughtful use of photo’s and texts
  • 2 different photo use for more conversion and engagement reasons on 2 LinkedIn and Instagram

Visual Report

The creation of the visual report was a task that I got after one of the workshops that were given in Dutch.

The cool part about this visual is that it is a summary, visually but only with text and colour. It is a different approach but very informative and simple.