The creation of hyped visuals...

Visual Design / UI Design


April 2021 – June 2022

Job Context

Head of Design Department / Community Manager




Stress Resistance – Reliability

This token launched on the Binance Smart Chain in April 2021 and was aimed to enter the gaming industry.

For the launch of the OCTAVERSE we had to come up with an amazing visual that was apealing for the eye.

It should contain everything that we planned to put into the future of the token. We needed it to be definitive.

The visual should also include our Certik and WhiteBIT achievements which are visible in the background

The amount of investors (holders) had to be shown in a nice style that makes the community want to grow.

I created the so called “reel counter”
In one eyecatch it is visible that we surpassed a certain investors amount and what the next milestone is going to be!

Being responsible for visuals that over 65.000 people will potentially see was scary and thrilling at the same time!

NFT Market Date-Announcement

One of the biggest announcements that should not only hype the community but also be as beautiful as possible was around the corner

What you see here is the date announcement graphic that was designed for every social channel we had, I made this last minute in around 10 minutes of design work in Photoshop for the background neon effects and in Illustrator for the design part of the graphic.

Goal: Create hype for what it to come soon.

Investors/Pitch Deck

Power Hours

One of the things that makes Octans Protocol special would be the iconic so called “Power Hours”

The Power Hours are meant to shill (spread the word) and let everyone know about our existence.

I started this from our first week with huge succes, the banners had to be powerful and the space theme included. Here you see some of those banners that the community really loved!


One of my tasks down the road was to make a informative revision of our Whitepaper. A Whitepaper is one of the most important documents besided an audit report that a startup in the cryptoworld needs, it explains the basic concepts behind the token/coin and how the contract is build up.

I had to make sure to not make any language mistakes or mistakes in the graphics, it was a very secure task. With some help of the CEO of Octans regarding the correct information to be noted, I managed to create a simple, informative, stunning Whitepaper for Octans protocol that was being published on the website on the 14th of May in 2021. Here you see the published version of the Whitepaper (link to original document can be found up this page under “links”)


Being a visual designer for this token was an honor. Working under community pressure is very thrilling and exciting and it forced me to work in a structured manner. Keeping assets in one place and deliver them when needed was key here, in the crypto world you never know what happens, you might need to create something split second when it is needed and that is what I liked about the work!

What you see above is just a small selection of what I created and what has been published across all of our socials, I have created a lot of utterances and this job was a great experience for my career as a designer and community manager.